Psalms 104:33-34 "I will Sing to the Lord all my life; I will Sing praises to my God as long as I live. May my thoughts (meditations) be pleasing to Him. As I rejoice (am happy) in the Lord".
Thank you for your continued consistent support of our 51 year-long of continual “ministry of encouragement”. Your prayerful and financial support is deeply appreciated, especially right now. With Covid 19 pandemic running rampant across America, we have had to postpone all of our concerts starting in March through July..
Covid has been hard on all of us. It has been especially difficult on our ministry. First of all, churches didn't meet for several week and/or months, let alone has an outside ministry team come encourage them. Please pray for us and for God to provide. We did sing for brother Jerry Weller's memorial service in August, have a singing trip to Indiana in October and some other Fall dates.
Thank you again for your prayers and tax deductible love-gifts to Gateway Singers Ministry Inc. Our EIN non profit number is again posted at the bottom of this home page. non-profit EIN #26-1648452.
Our Mission
Making the most of every opportunity that God sends us by:
- Sharing the "good news" through song and word
- Encouraging Christians in their daily walk
- Instructing believers and unchurched families about building healthy relationships
- Lifting the spirits of the hurting and those facing crisis moments
- Challenging and inspiring Christians to:
a) Love God. (with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind)
b) Love people. (Love your neighbor as yourself)
c) Serve both. (challenge people to involve themselves in serving others)
The purpose statement of every Christian is to lead people to FIND and FOLLOW Jesus. The Gateway Singers use music and the spoken Word to lead people to Jesus. It's ALL about Him!
Our Music
The Gateways lead worship with a variety of music styles; acappella, old-time gospel, country, and contemporary. We carry our own BOSE sound system and keep the volume level comfortable for everyone. To schedule a concert, please email us at: don@gatewaysingers.com or complete a request form.
Ministry Profile
We are a two family team: Don and Vikki Hunt family and Dave and Jan McSpadden family. Both the Hunt's and McSpadden's have three children each who are involved in their own personal ministries, lives, and jobs in IA, MO, CO,GA, and AZ. There are20 grandchildren between the two families and, Lord willing, one additional "Little Gateway" grandchild will arrive in Iowa, May of 2015.
Don & Vikki Hunt Jan & Dave McSpadden
Dave McSpadden Ph.D., is a counselor with 40 years of experience --specializing in family, marriage, addictions, and personal counseling. Dave holds marriage enrichment and parenting seminars connected with Gateway Singers Ministry Inc. programming and Midwest Therapeutic Clinic. Dave is focusing on the speaking / teaching purpose of our ministry by speaking each Sunday AM at "The Church" in Ottumwa where he and Jan live.
Don Hunt II is a Pastoral Counselor with National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA), does crisis counseling and Coping with Crisis presentations connected with Gateway Singers Ministry programming and Relief Ministries. He also helps churches with their sound system and video systems needs and has installed audio and video systems for over 30 years. Don focuses on the speaking / teaching portion of our ministry by speaking each Sunday AM at the Promises City, IA Church.
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L iving
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Contact info:
Dave & Jan McSpadden
(641) 777 - 1393 - Dave (641) 682-3857 - Jan
Don & Vikki Hunt
(641) 895 - 4868 - Don (641) 856-3077 - Vikki
Ministry physical address
Gateway Singers Ministry, Inc.
126 Shaul Ave
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
Ministry mailing address
Gateway Singers Ministry, Inc.
PO Box 65
Centerville, IA 52544-0065
Electronic mail
Bookings: don@gatewaysingers.com
Programming: demcspadden@gmail.com
Webmaster: mmcmurry14@comcast.net
Gateway Singers Ministry, Inc., is a tax-exempt 501(c) (3), not-for-profit corporation. Non-profit EIN #26-1648452
Only a heartfelt thank you and a receipt will be given in exchange for love-gifts to Gateway Singers Ministry, Inc.